
nf nfb negative feedback

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nf nfb negative feedback为短语/超纲词汇
1. 'We kind of like that spirit. We don't like it with the negative attitudes. We want to turn that spirit positive.'"

2. Workaholics, like those who are constantly drunk, suffer from a controlling habit, usually defined as compelling behavior despite negative consequences.
    工作狂, 就像那些老是醉醺醺的人一样,有一种无法摆脱的习惯,这种习惯通常被定义为不顾消极后果的强迫性行为。

3. That point was emphasized by the fact that Gail's parents, after thirty-five years of marriage, were going through a bitter and painful divorce, which had destroyed Gail and for a time had a negative effect on our budding relationship.
    下列事实强调了这样一点:已经结婚35年的盖尔父母正经历着一场充满怨恨、令人痛苦的婚变,这件事给了盖尔以毁灭性的打击, 并一度给我们正处于萌芽状态的关系带来了负面的影响。

4. He has a very negative attitude to his work.

5. As is the Chinese cook's custom, my mother always made negative remarks about her own cooking.

6. "What worries me," said Steve, "is that music has a very negative message.
    "令我担心的," 史蒂夫说, "是音乐会传达一种非常消极的信息。

7. A parent who only gives a brief reply to a child's questions or gives dull answers will be passing on a negative, narrow-minded style of thinking.

8. Social and economic progress will grind to a halt and more and more jobs will be eliminated by the negative side of this transformation.

9. Learn to be less hostile by changing some of your attitudes and negative thinking.

10. It could have a negative influence on Sandy.
